Our Services
We offer conventional and animal assisted adult and child/adolescent individual therapy and group counseling. Specializing in treating PTSD, trauma, depression, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, grief issues, anger management, behavioral difficulties, sexual abuse issues and family of origin issues.
Anger Management – Individual & Group Therapy Available
The physiological reaction we call anger is the “fight” part of the “flight, fight or freeze” response to perceived threat. That’s also why it’s also called a secondary emotion: first you feel something else, and as a defense or cover for that emotion, the flight/fight/freeze reflex activates. Learn how to derail the “flight/fight/freeze” roller coaster. Enhance your ability to remain calm and in emotional control in stressful situations, so you can decide what you want to do, rather than react. Just because “I’ve always been this way” or “this is how my family is” doesn’t mean you are doomed to repeat behaviors and situations that cause pain and havoc in your life. Discover how your beliefs about the past affect how you respond in the present, and take back your power to do things differently. Recognize the catalysis (triggers) that cause you to perceive a threat, and learn how to respond to these more positively. Then take it a step further, learning strong emotional regulation skills that enable you to get back the 20-30% of your cognitive and physical abilities that you lose when you’re in constant flight/fight/freeze mode.
Sliding fee scale accepted. For more information, call (402) 537-9628.
Outpatient Therapy
Counseling can prevent small problems from becoming big ones, help get life back under control, strengthen the family, develop your relationships and improve work or school performance. Results Counseling Services specializes in treating a spectrum of issues, from daily stress reactions to chronic mental health disorders.
Specialized treatment services include help for the following:
PTSD and traumatic reactions
Generalized and Social Anxiety Disorders
Severe and persistent mental illness
Depression and mood disorders
What We Need From You…
Contact us. Let us know what you are dealing with or have questions about. As we work together, give us feed back on whether we’re going in the right direction or whether we need to reassess. Follow through on agreed upon plans and give us updates on the progress or lack of progress that you’re seeing.
How We Do It…
We meet or talk to you to assess your individual situation and needs. We work with you to develop and implement a plan or strategy to meet these needs. Then we assess the success of the plan and make changes as needed.
“The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.”
— Laozi